Monday 28 July 2008

Sorry Manchester!

The show at the a day at the races festival is cancelled. We will get back to you tomorrow about why..

Since most of us took vacation we will play another show instead but this time we will take the ferry over to the archipelago island Åland and the festival "Island in the sun" on the 2nd of August.

When i got the news that the Manchester show went to hell i made a promise to play there as soon as possible when our new record is out.


1xdmeuv38d said...

Hey guys! Any plans for playing in Monterrey, México? Or maybe some place near (like Texas in the US)
Saludos en español :B

skwbn said...

We have no shows planned around that area planned at the moment but as weve found out before "you never know"

Unknown said...

Aah, it's OK, it's clearly not your fault.

you were very much missed from the line-up. it would be good to see you play Manchester at some point.

Many thanks for the updates.


Mike-d said...

Hey do you have any plans to come over to Liverpool any time, it would be great if you did...